aden colony造句


  1. The British support continued until 1965, when the Kingdom decided to abandon its Aden Colony.
  2. The APL Depot Battalion, the Levies'base and training organisation, was based in Aden Colony.
  3. In 1880 the Government of Aden Colony completed buying a vast area of land from the Sultan of Lahj.
  4. When Aden Colony became part of the Federation of South Arabia as the State of Aden the unrest continued.
  5. In 1956, Aden Colony had a revenue of ?.9 million ( approximately ?5 million in 2014 prices ).
  6. It's difficult to find aden colony in a sentence. 用aden colony造句挺难的
  7. In 1951, the East African shilling replaced the Indian rupee in the Aden colony and protectorate, which became the South Arabian Federation in 1963.
  8. In the federation, Aden colony was to have 24 seats on the new council, while each of the eleven sultanates was to have six.
  9. The Aden Colony, British Somaliland and Singapore, though administered at various times under the Raj, have not been proposed as any part of South Asia.
  10. While technically part of Aden Colony, the islands, because of their remoteness and inaccessibly, were left to the supervision of the British Resident in the Persian Gulf.
  11. The Aden Settlement, and later Aden Colony, also included the outlying islands of Kamaran ( " de facto " ), Perim and Kuria Muria ( see map ).
  12. In the next three years, they were joined by nine others and, on 18 January 1963, Aden Colony was merged with the federation creating the new " Federation of South Arabia ".
  13. An additional problem was the huge disparity in political development, as at the time Aden colony was some way down the road to self-government and in the opinion of some dissidents, political fusion with the autocratic and backward Sultanates was a step in the wrong direction.
  14. Aden with its harbour was the only area under full British sovereignty and, together with some offshore islands, was known as Aden Settlement ( 1839 1932 ), Aden Province ( 1932 1937 ), Aden Colony ( 1937 1963 ) and finally State of Aden ( 1963 1967 ).
  15. In January 1964, the British moved into the Radfan hills in the border region to confront Egyptian-backed guerrillas, later reinforced by the NLF . By October they had largely been suppressed, and the NLF switched to grenade attacks against off-duty military personnel and police officers elsewhere in the Aden Colony.


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